3-D labeling & microscopy of pancreatic islet
Article: 3-D optical method for visualization of mouse islet microstructure and vasculature (2010 JBO)
Article: Mouse islet sympathetic innervation & its remodelling in injury (2012 Diabetologia)
Commentary: “Islet nerves in focus – defining their neurobiological and clinical role" (2012 Diabetologia)
Article: Plasticity of Schwann cells and pericytes in response to islet injury (2013 Diabetologia)
Article: Imaging of islet neural network (2014 Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism)
Article: 3-D imaging of islets in obesity (2016 IJO)
Article: PanIN-associated pericyte, glial, and islet remodeling in 3D (2016 AJP-GI)
Article: Pancreatic neuro-insular network in young mice revealed by 3-D panoramic histology (2018 Diabetologia)
Review: Role of accessory cells in islet homeostasis (2018 Current Diabetes Reports)
Article: Lymphatic vessel remodeling and invasion in pancreatic cancer progression (2019 EBioMedicine - The Lancet)
Review: Pancreas optical clearing and 3-D microscopy in health and diabetes (2021 Frontiers in Endocrinology)
NOD mouse islets with insulitis (image and video demonstration)